Curriculum: 4th – 5th

Upper Elementary students take one course in each of the major disciplines each year: Language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and foreign language, as well as courses in the arts, STEM and physical education/health. iPad technology is used throughout the curriculum to enhance learning.

The Upper Elementary Curriculum is designed to bring about an increased level of investment in academics by students.

Instruction is based on developing not only connections to the material, but also by creating ways for students to expand the skills needed to advance toward successful academic careers.

4th Grade Curriculum

  • Language Arts: Grammar Skills, Reading, Vocabulary, Writing
  • Math: Number Sense, Concepts, Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Algebraic Thinking, Data Analysis and Probability
  • Science: General Science
  • Social Studies: Florida History, Civics & Government, Economics and Geography
  • Foreign Language: Multicultures
  • Music and Art
  • Technology
  • Physical Education
  • STEAM Class

5th Grade Curriculum

  • Language Arts: Grammar Skills, Reading, Vocabulary, Writing
  • Math: Fractions, Decimals, Geometry, Measurement, Place Value, Operations and Conversions of Units.
  • Science: General Science
  • Social Studies: American History, Civics & Government, Economics and Geography
  • Foreign Language: Multicultures
  • Music and Art
  • Physical Education
  • STEAM Class
Social Studies
In Fourth grade, students will locate, gather and process information from maps, globes, charts, graphs and data. Students examine Florida history from early native tribes to modern day, understand the function of government and the role of U.S. citizens, and apply basic economic concepts. Students will understand how individuals and events of the past have shaped Florida, as we know it today.

Fourth grade students are required to participate in the History Fair. This takes place in January and February. Students are asked to pick a person that has influenced history in some way. A research paper, display board and presentation are required. The students will then give a presentation to the fourth thru eighth grades on their particular subject.

In Fifth grade, students study the history and geography of our nation, then continue with the exploration and settling of America, life in the English colonies, the struggle for independence, life in this growing nation, and ends with the Civil War. There will also be discussion of political, national and international events as well as related art and literature. Students will understand how individuals and events of this period influenced later events in the development of our nation.

Students develop the scientific foundation necessary for a more in-depth study in the various areas of science. An understanding and mastery of scientific concepts provides a strong basis for future scientific learning. Fourth and Fifth grade students will focus on various aspects of Life, Earth, and Physical sciences, and Space and Technology. This includes hands on activities, discussions and research. Students also participate in a weekly STEM class. In the fall, fifth grade students participate in the school level science fair, where they put together a research paper, display board, and present their results to the Upper Elementary and Middle School students.
Language Arts
Students enhance their skills in writing, speaking and listening in order to communicate effectively, write efficiently, and read critically. In Fourth and Fifth grade, language arts encompasses spelling, vocabulary, writing, speaking, listening, and reading of informational text. Students will develop their spelling and grammar skills in relationship to good paragraph and essay writing. Students will read a variety of literature books with whole class discussion. They will also continue to read AR books with different goals each quarter. Charlotte Preparatory School uses Wordly Wise to enhance vocabulary. Students will be able to demonstrate literal and inferential comprehension while using different genres and elements of literature.
In Upper Elementary school, students begin to use the Saxon Math curriculum. It involves teaching a new mathematical concept every day and constantly reviewing old concepts. The Saxon math curriculum allows students to move through at his or her own pace. In fourth grade, students will demonstrate an understanding of number concepts, measurement, geometric shapes, patterns and mathematical relationships, data, analysis and probability. It is comprised of whole class, small group, and individual instruction. In fifth grade, the curriculum includes the study of fractions, decimals, percent, geometry, measurement, place value, operations, and conversion of units (English and metric). Students will develop a greater sense of logic and reasoning which are key components to problem solving and thinking critically. A mastery of operations enhances opportunities for higher mathematics and prepares students for real-world mathematical situations.
Foreign Language
4th and 5th grade Spanish will help students attain a desirable level in the basic skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will be asked meaningful questions that require them to speak about their daily lives, express opinions, and supply real information. Classes are once a week.