2018 Gazette 2nd Quarter

4 Miss Sutton’s and Mrs. Matzen’s class had an amazing time on our field trip to the Edison-Ford Winter Estates. The hands-on science center at the Edison-Ford Winter Estates gave the students the perfect opportunity to become scientist and inventors of their own creations much like Thomas Edison himself. Maria Montessori knew children learned through their senses, and this hands-on experience during our field trip went hand in hand with her philosophy. Thanks to the generous hearts of our students and parents, we raised over $1,000 for Back Pack Kidz along with many food donations for our philanthropic cause. We were so proud of their efforts and the empathy they showed toward students in need within our community. Later this year we will visit the Back Pack Kidz warehouse to fill backpacks full of food to distribute to children in Charlotte county. Our class has been very busy diving into our North American unit study and learning what an amazing continent we live on. Students in our class have researched every country within North America and even chose their favorite North American mammal to research. Montessori students have big ideas about the world and so it is only right that we should allow them to find how big they can think, learn, and dream. Student can do this through research and by following their interests and passions.